Hello Reader :D

Well, about a week ago, I created a Twitter account since almost everybody I knew had one. I felt it to be kind of boring. I had no idea why everybody was so hyped up about it. However, yesterday I went on, being absolutely bored to death at work, and it suddenly seemed so interesting!!

I got like about 40 followers in one day which is quite an achievement for me because I do not know a lot of people, other than my friends. SO while facebook is a great place to reconnect, Twitter is even better because it allows you to meet new people. Not to mention the fact that SO many celebrities are on it. Robert Pattinson, Barack Obama, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Spencer Pratt, [many more] and even institutions such as the New York times.

Anyways, moving one from all this talk about social netwroking sites and towards a more interesting topic, aka, randomness. Okay, well. Did you know that in In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. Yep, I am not lying. Just got it off google, my BI-aTCH! Wonder if this applies to cats? LMAO, can you imagine. It is kind of wierd though, i mean whenever I and about like thousands of other people think about hunting, I bet the image of some really big animal such as caribou or a tiger or a deer or something springs to mind. But a mouse? Nuh-uh, i never though of a mouse being hunted by anyone except a cat.

So, that is it for now. Duty calls because my boss is entering the room. THough I am only 16, I already have a writing job! What an achievement for MOI!
OMG! I have not talked about anything related to MOI! A whole blog post and nothing, about MOI. Okay, while my boss is starting to slowly walks towards MOI, i am quickly going to hammer on my keyboard and write somethings that happened to me. Well, the local Dairy QUeen finally opened. [It closes for winter and opens in March] and I ate my first ice-cream of spring! I got Brownie earthquake though the brownies kind of tasted stale.
UH-OH, she is only a step away from my desk so TOODLES, to who ever is reading this.
I have to go now, Duty and another article that is yet to be written awaits.
